Public Offer

Russian Federation, city of Moscow

Date: July 16, 2024

This Agreement is an official offer (public offer) of the Individual Entrepreneur Kirill Valerievich Zhuravlev (“Contractor”) for any person, including an individual entrepreneur (“Customer”), who accepts this offer, on the conditions specified below.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), in case of acceptance of the conditions set out below and payment for the Services, the legal entity or individual who accepts this Offer becomes the Customer (in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Acceptance of the Offer is equivalent to concluding an Agreement on the terms set out in the Offer).

If any conditions for the provision of Services are not clear to the Customer, he must ask the Contractor additional questions before the Offer is Accepted. Acceptance of the Offer means that all conditions for the provision of Services to the Customer are clear.

The Customer is notified and agrees that the Services are intended for existing permanent makeup artists who have undergone appropriate training, have work experience of at least six months as of the date of Acceptance of the Offer and are current members of the Club with a paid Subscription (hereinafter referred to as the “Artist”).


1.1. Terms and definitions in the Offer:

  • Acceptance of the Offer – full and unconditional agreement of the Customer, Artist with the terms of the Offer and confirmation by the Customer, Artist that its terms are accepted without any reservations, restrictions and fully comply with their will, needs and requirements.

Acceptance is the payment by the Customer in full using payment services offered by the Contractor, including using automatic/recurrent payments. From the moment funds are received as payment for the services provided to the Contractor, the Agreement is considered concluded between the Customer and the Contractor.

By accepting the Offer, the Customer confirms that he and the Artist have the necessary civil capacity and that the provision by the Contractor of services under the Agreement remotely using software in the form of electronic services fully complies with the Customer/Artist’s ability to use the services provided in this way.

By accepting the Offer, the Customer agrees to the processing of his personal data and the Artist’s personal data to the extent necessary for the execution of the contract by the Contractor.

If the Services are received by a person – the Artist, other than the Customer, such person must be named by the Customer upon Acceptance of the Offer. In the absence of information from the Customer, the Artist is the person who actually joined the Club through the link sent by the Contractor. In relation to the Artist, this offer is recognized as an agreement in favor of a third party (Article 430 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Payment for services in this case must be made by the Customer on behalf of the Artist, and in this case the Customer guarantees that he has received all necessary (regulated by law) consents from this individual, as the subject of personal data.

The Offer does not require sealing and/or signing by the Customer, Artist and Contractor, while maintaining full legal force.

  • Agreement– an agreement between the Contractor and the Customer/Artist for the provision of Services for providing access to the Club, which is concluded through Acceptance of the Offer.
  • Electronic materials– a set of informational video lectures, text and graphic materials, united by a common theme, posted on the Platform.
  • Platform –software that allows you to remotely provide information and consulting services. For the purposes of this offer, the Platform means The Contractor publishes on the Platform electronic materials on the topic of marketing and/or provision of permanent makeup services in text, audio-visual, and other formats at the discretion of the Contractor. The format, frequency, and number of publications of Electronic materials on the Platform are determined by the Contractor independently.
  • Website– a set of pages on the Internet, combined into one and accessible at the address: and its subdomains.
  • Subscription– subscriber services for providing access to the Club. Payments made by the Customer for gaining access to the Club can be made either directly by the Customer or automatically (automatic payments/recurrent debits). In this case, the subscription is renewed automatically, without mandatory notification of renewal from the Contractor.
  • Subscription period– the validity period of the Subscription from the moment of its activation. The subscription period, paid at once, is 1 month or another period, in accordance with the conditions posted on the Site. The subscription period is extended by making the next payment.
  • Club– a paid closed thematic Internet community for Artists, which is a platform for obtaining information, exchanging experience in the provision of services in the field of permanent makeup, as well as marketing such services. For Artists who are current members of the Club and have paid for a Subscription, information about them and their services can be posted on a separate page of the Site.
  • Messenger– a mobile application that supports instant messaging. For the purposes of the Offer, a messenger means

Telegram, Instagram.

  • The current text of the Offer is posted on the Website at:
  • The services provided under this Agreement are intended for existing entrepreneurs, and the information provided by the Contractor serves the purpose of increasing the income and professional competencies of the Artist. In this regard, the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” do not apply to this Agreement and the Contractor’s Services.


2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the provision of paid access to the Club to the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”).

Within the framework of the Club, the Contractor provides the following services:

  • access to information Electronic materials on the Platform;
  • providing access to webinars, live broadcasts in the Telegram or Instagram messenger (hereinafter referred to as “Webinars”);
  • creating a personal page for the Artist on the Site to post information about the Artist on the Site, in particular:
  • Photo of the Artist;
  • First name, last name of the Artist;
  • Place of provision of the Artist’s services;
  • Address and contact details of the Artist;
  • Links to the Artist’s pages/page on social networks;
  • at the Artist’s request, also reviews, portfolio, photographs of the Artist’s workplace, a list of services provided by the Artist.
    • Services are provided by the Contractor remotely via the Internet, using software, including the use of special equipment, software and online services at the Contractor’s choice.

Access to online services and software is provided by the Contractor using the Customer/Artist contacts specified when purchasing the Services. As part of the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Contractor transfers the Customer/Artist data to the services through which the Services are provided.

The Contractor has the right to organize additional offline events for Artists. The dates, location, and topics of such events are announced additionally by posting information on the Site and/or Platform.

  • The Contractor has the right to change the scope of services provided, the cost, and the terms of this Public Offer without prior agreement with the Customer/Artist. By continuing to use the Platform and receive Services after the relevant changes come into force, the Customer expresses his agreement with the new conditions.
  • Term of provision of services: from the moment of payment for the Subscription during the subscription period actually paid by the Customer.


3.1. The provision of services under the Agreement is carried out by the Contractor as follows:

3.1.1. After paying for the Subscription and providing information upon payment, the Contractor, within 3 (three) business days, sends the Customer/Artist the necessary data to enter his personal account on the Platform, as well as to create the Artist’s personal page on the Site.

3.1.2. The Contractor publishes Electronic materials and conducts Webinars in accordance with the frequency established by the Contractor.

3.1.3. Access to the Club is provided exclusively within the prepaid period of time. All information about the Artist is deleted from the Site if, on the start date of the new Subscription Period, the Services have not been paid for by the Artist (Customer).

3.2. The Customer/Artist independently monitors all updates and changes in information received from the Contractor under the Agreement.

3.3. The Customer/Artist independently familiarizes himself with the Electronic Materials to which he has gained access, without checking the quality of homework completed or the degree of assimilation of information.

3.4. After the Subscription period expires, it can be automatically extended until this function is canceled by the Customer himself in the manner specified in clause 4.6. Agreement (if the specified technical capability is provided for by the functionality of the Site).

3.5. The parties have agreed that a delivery and acceptance certificate in respect of the Services provided under this Agreement will not be issued.


4.1. The cost of the Services under the Agreement is indicated on the Site and can be changed by the Contractor at any time before the Customer pays for the Services unilaterally.

The new price comes into force from the moment of publication and does not apply to Services paid for at the time of publication of such changes.

Issues of security, confidentiality of personal data, the amount of commissions and interest for the transfer of funds are agreed upon by the Customer Artist independently and are not the subject of this Agreement.

4.2. Payment for services under the Agreement is made by the Customer in Russian rubles by:

  • or non-cash transfer of funds to the Contractor’s current account, including using bank installment plans
  • or by providing the payment system with your bank card details with subsequent confirmation of the transfer in favor of the Contractor (recurring payment) – if such a possibility is provided for by the technical functionality of the Site.
    • The moment of payment for the Contractor’s Services by the Customer is considered to be the moment of receipt of funds to the Contractor’s bank account.
    • The Customer independently monitors changes in the Contractor’s details specified in this Offer and is responsible for the accuracy of the payments made by him
    • The Subscription price will not change during the entire paid period.

The Subscription price for a new (previously unpaid) period may be changed by the Contractor by posting information about it on the Site.

  • The Customer, by signing the Agreement, understands that he can unsubscribe from the subscription to the Contractor’s services through the email address: [email protected] . The cost of the paid Subscription period for access to the Club is non-refundable and the Customer/Artist is given the right to use access until the end of the paid Subscription Period. After the end of this period, the Contractor ceases access

Customer/Artist to the Club.

  • By concluding this Agreement, the Customer acknowledges that he is aware that the Subscription is a form of payment that can be made, including through recurring debits of funds (periodic direct payments) from the payment card specified by the Customer.
  • Access to the Club is considered granted from the moment the Customer/Artist receives the technical ability to use the Platform and does not depend on its actual use. Recalculation or refund of paid funds for the provided period of access is not made; access is maintained until the end of the paid period.
  • In case of payment for the Contractor’s services using bank installments, the Customer independently draws up written agreements with the relevant credit institutions or broker. In this case, the Contractor does not participate in the relationship between the Customer and the credit institution.

The customer fulfills his obligations to the credit institution independently.

When the Customer pays for the Services using bank installments, the Customer receives a discount from the base cost of the Services, which is equal to the amount of interest on the loan. Moreover, the cost of the Services under the Agreement in this case will be the body of the debt (loan) in the loan agreement between the Customer and the financial organization.

  • Commissions of payment systems used by the Customer when paying for the Contractor’s Services are paid by the Customer independently. If the amount received by the Contractor for the provision of Services under the Agreement is less than the cost of the Services, the Contractor has the right not to begin providing the Services or to suspend the provision of Services until the cost of the Services is paid in full by the Customer.


5.1. The Contractor undertakes:

5.1.1. Provide Services properly and on time.

5.1.2. Do not disclose information about the personal data of the Customer/Artist and information provided by the Customer/Artist without his consent, and also process personal data solely for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement in accordance with the Privacy Policy approved by the Contractor.

5.1.3. After a year of continuous membership in the Club and if there is a corresponding application/appeal from the Artist, consider the Artist’s candidacy for the position of Trainer.

5.2. The performer has the right:

5.2.1. Refuse to provide services to the Customer/Artist if payment for the Service is not received within the established time frame.

5.2.2. Require from the Customer/Artist the conscientious fulfillment of their obligations, respectful attitude towards other Customers/Artists, towards the Contractor personally and towards specialists attracted by the Contractor.

5.2.3. Suspend the provision of services for technical and other reasons until such reasons are eliminated. Notification of the Customer/Artist in this case is mandatory. The notification can be either sent individually to the Messenger or posted for review on the Site or Platform.

5.2.4. Change, at your own discretion, the software with which the Services are provided, having previously notified the Customer/Artist.

5.2.5. Change the rules for the provision of Services, having previously notified Customers/Artists of the changes. If the Customer/Artist does not agree with the new rules, he has the right to stop using the Platform, Website and Contractor Services.

5.3. The Customer/Artist undertakes:

5.3.1. Please independently familiarize yourself with the information on the terms and conditions of the provision of Services on the Site and in this Offer.

5.3.2. Have a portable (mobile) device with Internet access, equipped with headphones and a microphone, as well as with installed software necessary and sufficient to receive the purchased Service. Bear the expenses necessary for training yourself.

5.3.3. Provide the Contractor with up-to-date and reliable information necessary to receive the Services, as well as for prompt communication within the framework of the provision of Services under the Agreement at the Contractor’s request.

5.3.4. Not to record, not to distribute (not to publish, not to post on Internet sites, not to copy, not to transfer, not to resell to third parties) for commercial or non-commercial purposes the information and materials provided by the Contractor to the Customer/Artist under the Agreement, not to create information products based on it for the purpose of obtaining commercial profit, and not to use this information in any way other than for the use of the sole Artist.In case of violation of this clause, the Customer/Artist undertakes to pay the Contractor a fine in the amount of 100,000 rubles for each case of data transfer. The subscription will then be cancelled.

5.3.5. Ensure the confidentiality of links to access the Services under the Agreement. In case of violation of this clause, the Customer/Artist undertakes to pay the Contractor a fine in the amount of 100,000 rubles for each case of data transfer. Payment of the fine is made by the Customer/Artist within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of the relevant request of the Contractor. The subscription will then be cancelled.

5.3.6. The Artist/Customer undertakes to maintain and design his accounts on social networks in accordance with the following rules:

  • In the first line of profile information (“profile header”) and in the names of all his accounts on social networks, the Artist places information about the status of a Club member, in the format “Name/Nickname Ankaa Academy Artist”.
  • In each publication of photos and videos of the results of the Artist’s services on social media pages, the Artist places the logo of a Club member. The specified logo may be provided by the Contractor.
  • In the Artist’s nickname on social networks, indicate your affiliation with the Club in the following form: “Name/pseudonym_ankaaacademy”

In case of violation of these rules, the Artist/Customer is given a warning. If violations are not eliminated within 5 working days, the Contractor has the right to exclude the Artist from the Club membership and cancel the Subscription.

5.3.7. The Artist/Customer has no right to mention (including in the “repost” format), advertise, or demonstrate on all his social networks other organizations or persons providing services in the field of permanent makeup training or marketing of such services. Any printed materials issued to the Artist’s students or clients must contain the Ankaa Academy name and logo.

In case of violation of this clause, the Contractor has the right to exclude the Artist from among the Club participants and cancel the Subscription, as well as collect a fine in the amount of 100,000 (One hundred thousand) rubles.

5.3.8. The Artist undertakes not to speak about the Performer, the Club and its members, or the Ankaa Academy brand in a negative way.

In case of violation of this clause, the Contractor has the right to exclude the Artist from among the Club participants and cancel the Subscription, as well as collect a fine in the amount of 100,000 (One hundred thousand) rubles.


5.4. The customer has the right:

5.4.1. Require proper performance by the Contractor of its obligations under the Agreement.

5.4.2. Receive information on any issues related to the organization of performance of Services under the Agreement.

    • General provisions:
      • Refunds by the Contractor are carried out in cases provided for in the Agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
      • All applications for refunds are accepted only in writing and sent to the Contractor’s email.
      • The Customer’s application for a refund must contain the following mandatory items:
    • applicant’s details (last name, first name, patronymic, telephone, email);
    • cost of services;
    • reasons for return;
    • details for making a return.

6.1.4. The return of funds, if there are grounds for return, is carried out by the Contractor within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the relevant application from the Customer.

6.1.5. The Contractor has the right to return the funds, if there are grounds for doing so, to the bank details from which payment for the Services was made.

6.1.6. The date of return of funds is considered to be the date of debiting funds from the Contractor’s current account. The Contractor is not responsible for delays in the work of banks and payment systems when returning funds.

6.1.7. When deciding on a refund, the Contractor has the right to withhold part of the cost of the Services to reimburse the actual costs that he incurred at the time of receipt of the return application.

The actual costs of the Contractor include expenses incurred at the time of receipt of the return application, including commissions of banking, credit organizations and payment systems. The specific amount of actual costs for each case is determined by the Contractor independently, based on the actual circumstances of the corresponding refund application.

6.1.8. The Customer undertakes to provide evidence and justification for the inadequate quality of the Services when submitting an application for a refund due to improperly provided Services.

6.1.9. The Customer/Artist’s subjective opinion about the Services provided, based on his impressions, expectations from the Service and its results, cannot be considered a basis for making claims about the inadequate quality of the Service.

6.1.10. If the Customer refuses the Agreement after the commencement of the provision of Services, he is obliged to pay for the Services provided before the Contractor received notice of cancellation of the Agreement.

6.1.11. Refunds are not provided after providing access to the Club for the paid Subscription Period.

6.2. Unilateral refusal of the Contractor from the Agreement

6.2.1.The Contractor has the right to unilaterally withdraw from the Agreement: in the event that it is impossible for the Contractor to properly fulfill its obligations to provide services due to the actions (inactions) of the Customer/Artist. in case of incomplete payment/non-payment for the Services before the start of their provision. if it is impossible to contact the Customer/Artist using the Customer’s contact information provided to the Contractor within 3 (three) calendar days without additional notice. in case of incorrect behavior of the Customer/Artist, incl. insults to other Customers/Artists and the Contractor, obscene statements, incitement to hatred, dissemination of information that is deliberately false, statements of a political nature, etc. whenviolation of the requirements of Section 7 of the Agreement. in case of violation of the requirements of clause 5.3.4. – 5.3.8 of the Agreement; in case of non-compliance with the requirements for the qualifications, education or work experience of the Artist.

6.2.2. In case of unilateral refusal of the Agreement, the Contractor notifies the Customer/Artist by email or via Messenger. The Agreement is subject to termination on the day the notice of termination of the Agreement is sent.

    • All rights to materials, methods, information that make up the content of the Services belong to the Contractor.
    • By using the Contractor’s materials, the Customer/Artist acknowledges and agrees that all their contents are protected by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. No rights to materials and documents provided by the Contractor under this agreement are transferred to the Customer/Artist in the process of providing access to the materials.
    • When quoting materials provided as part of the provision of services (including on social networks), the Customer/Artist undertakes to indicate the authorship of the Contractor.
    • If the Customer violates the provisions of the Agreement relating to the protection of the Contractor’s copyrights, the latter has the right to demand compensation for all damages caused, including lost profits. In addition to the specified compensation, the Customer/Artist shall pay a fine in the amount of 100,000 rubles for each violation.


8.1. The Customer/Artist independently makes decisions based on the information received from the Contractor. The Contractor is not responsible for the results and consequences of such decisions, including for the psychological, physical and emotional state of the Customer/Artist and other persons associated with him.

8.2. The Customer/Artist is responsible for all his actions independently.

8.3. The Contractor does not guarantee the achievement of the result expressed or assumed by the Customer/Artist. The Contractor is not responsible for the results of the actions or inactions of the Customer/Artist.

8.4. The Contractor is not responsible for the quality of the Internet connection, errors in data transmission, data corruption, errors or delays in display that arose through no fault of his own. The Customer/Artist independently ensures the availability of a high-speed Internet connection for the duration of the Services.

8.5. The Contractor is not responsible for the inability to use the Software for any reason, including, but not limited to: errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion, defects, delays in processing or transmission of data, disruption of communication lines, equipment malfunction, any technical failures or other problems of any telephone networks or services, computer systems, servers or providers, computer or telephone equipment that arose through no fault of the Contractor.


9.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations if such failure was a direct consequence of force majeure circumstances (force majeure circumstances) that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events, namely: fire, flood, hurricane, war , military action, special military operation, mobilization (including partial), earthquake or imposition by government authorities of restrictions on the activities of any of the parties and other similar circumstances, if these circumstances could not be foreseen by the parties or prevented by reasonable measures.

9.2. The Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer of the occurrence of such circumstances within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of their occurrence by posting information on the Site and/or sending a message to the email address specified by the Customer when making payment, and the Customer is obliged to send a letter to the Contractor by email specified in the Contractor’s details.

9.3. A party that fails to notify the other party of the impossibility of fulfilling its obligations loses the right to refer to such impossibility.

9.4. Lack of free time for the Customer/Artist for any reason, being on vacation, on vacation, on a business trip, illness, non-payment for access to the Internet, breakdown of a means of accessing the Internet, inability to purchase the software necessary to receive the service are not force majeure circumstances.


10.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Parties will be resolved through negotiations.

10.2. If the parties do not reach an agreement through negotiations, all disputes are considered in a claims procedure. The period for consideration of a claim is 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the claim.

10.3. The claim is sent by the Customer to the Contractor’s email address specified in the “Contractor Details” section of the Offer. The Contractor submits the claim to the contact information specified by the Customer in the request for the purchase of the Service or in the correspondence of the parties.

10.4. The claim must contain:

  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the Customer;
  • reasons for the claim;
  • evidence supporting the claims.

10.5. If disputes are not resolved by the Parties through negotiations and through claims, they are resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    • The Contractor has the right at any time, at its discretion, to change, supplement or withdraw the terms of the Offer. The terms and conditions changed by the Contractor come into force from the date of their posting on the Site, unless a different period is specified by the Contractor upon such posting. This clause does not apply to the Customer who has made Acceptance in accordance with the Offer.
    • Recognition by a court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity of its other provisions.
    • The Parties acknowledge that all notices, messages, agreements, documents and letters sent using authorized email addresses or Messenger accounts are considered sent and signed by the Parties, unless otherwise expressly stated in such letters.
    • The authorized email addresses and accounts in the Messenger of the Parties are recognized as:
  2. for the Artist [email protected] ,
  3. for the Customer/Artist: email address, Messenger account specified when purchasing the Service, or through which the service was purchased.
    • The parties undertake to ensure the confidentiality of information and information necessary to access authorized email addresses and Messenger accounts, and to prevent disclosure of such information and transfer to third parties. The parties independently determine the procedure for limiting access to such information.
    • The parties have established that screenshots of correspondence by email or message in Messenger, made using the details specified in the Agreement, in pursuance of the Agreement, are sufficient and acceptable evidence to confirm the facts indicated in them.


Individual entrepreneur

Zhuravlev Kirill Valerievich

INN 771006014823

OGRNIP 323210000013542

Email: [email protected]

AGREEMENT TO MAKE RECURRENT PAYMENTS (Additional agreement to the public offer posted at:

For the purpose of carrying out mutual settlements in accordance with the public offer posted at (hereinafter referred to as the “Offer”), you (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) accept the terms of this agreement concluded with the Individual Entrepreneur Kirill Valerievich Zhuravlev (hereinafter referred to as the “ Administration”) to make recurring payments (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), thereby confirming that you have read and fully unconditionally agreed with its terms. If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement, you should refuse the recurring payments service by informing the Contractor about this or indicating this when purchasing on the Site (if technically possible).

  1. In order to gain access to the Club, the User pays the Administration a fee determined in accordance with the established cost of the Services.
  2. Each new User, having paid 100% of the cost, acquires access to the Club for the paid period.
  3. After paying for the Services in accordance with clause 2 of this Agreement, the User grants the Administration the right to save credentials for future transactions.
  4. After making the first payment, the User is provided with an auto-payment service, which the User has the right to refuse at any time. Until the User refuses, funds intended to pay for access to the Club for the next period will be debited from the User’s card account linked to his profile in the amount of the cost of the Services automatically (without additional confirmation from the User) 1 (one) calendar day before expiration date of the previous paid period. If the amount of funds in the User’s bank card account linked to the Profile turns out to be insufficient, access to the Club5 is suspended.
  5. The cost of the Services is set by the Administration and posted on the Site.
  6. Payments (transactions) are made in Russian rubles. The indicated payment amount for the corresponding period is final and includes all taxes and costs of the Administration for receiving payment and fulfilling its obligations.
  7. The Administration unilaterally sets the cost of the Services. The indicated price may be changed by the Administration at any time without any special notification to the User. The new price comes into force from the moment the previously paid period for the provision of Services expires.
  8. To cancel this Agreement and cancel recurring payments, the User may, at his own discretion, withdraw from the agreement in accordance with clause 4.6. Offers. The contract is considered terminated the next day after receipt of the relevant notice.
  9. Money paid to the Administration for access to the Club is non-refundable after access is provided. Access is considered granted from the moment the User receives the technical ability to use the Platform and does not depend on its actual use. Recalculation or refund of paid funds for the provided period of access is not made; access is maintained until the end of the paid period.
  10. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its acceptance by the User and is valid until the date of adoption of the new version of the Agreement. If a dispute arises between the Administration and the User related to the execution of the Agreement, it is resolved by agreement of the Parties or, if it is impossible to reach an agreement, it is resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The applicable law is the law of the Russian Federation. Before applying to the appropriate court, the interested Party sends a claim to the other Party, the response period for which is set at 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of its receipt.


Individual entrepreneur

Zhuravlev Kirill Valerievich

INN 771006014823

OGRNIP 323210000013542

Email: [email protected]


I, a legally capable person who has reached the age of eighteen, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer,” freely, of my own free will and in my own interest, using the Internet resource posted on the website at: (including all levels of the specified domain, both functioning on the date of granting the Consent, and launched and put into operation during the entire period of its validity, hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” No. 152-FZ , from Art. 6 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”, with Art. 6Federal Law dated June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System” I provide individual entrepreneur Kirill Valerievich Zhuravlev (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) with consent to store bank card credentials on the following conditions:

  1. The Contractor receives and transfers from the Customer for storage bank card credentials for the purpose of fulfilling the contract by accepting the Public Offer posted athttp://Ankaa.academyand an additional agreement to the Public Offer to completerecurring payments located athttp://Ankaa.academypayment system operator Robokassa LLC (Robokassa LLC OGRN: 1055009302215 INN/KPP:

5047063929/771601001 website referred to as the “Operator”).

  1. List of data received by the Contractor and transferred to the Operator for storage:
  • Name of the bank, bank card (account) holder;
  • BIC of the bank, bank card (account) holder;
  • Number of the correspondent account of the bank, bank card (account) holder;
  • Bankcard number; ● Validity period of the bank card; ● CVV code of the bank card.
  1. Once the Customer enters the required bank details, the Customer fully agrees to the terms of this agreement and authorizes the Contractor to store the Customer’s credentials, including a shortened version of the stored credentials (for example, the last four digits of a credit card). The Customer also gives his Consent to storing credentials for future transactions.
  2. I confirm that I have read the Policy regarding the processing of personal data adopted by the Administration and posted at and agree to the processing of my personal data.
  3. Special conditions:
    1. The Customer’s credentials will be used to conduct a transaction using stored credentials initiated by the Contractor.
    2. The fixed date and frequency of the transaction are determined depending on the payment period chosen by the Customer (if applicable) starting from the moment of joining the Contractor’s public offer.
    3. The event that will cause the transaction: the payment day, which is determined depending on the tariff chosen by the Customer, starting from the moment of joining the Contractor’s public offer.
    4. The Contractor notifies of any changes to this agreement 3 business days before such changes come into force regarding transactions initiated by the Contractor using stored credentials that occur at established, regular intervals. To do this, the Contractor sends information messages to the Customer containing information about all changes to the phone number specified by the Customer during registration (including in the Telegram messenger) or electronic messages to the email address specified by the Customer during registration.
    5. The Customer undertakes to notify the Contractor of any changes no later than 7 business days before the next transaction date.
    6. All Customer claims are considered within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt. The Contractor considers the response to the Customer to be completed properly when sending an email to the address from which the claim came.
    7. This consent is valid from the moment of its provision until the termination of the agreement between the entity that provided this consent or until the moment of refusal to make recurring payments.